Friday, 30 January 2015

Pixelus Moments: Fave Five

This week over at {CLICK}STYLE we have the awesome
as our guest judge. Her works is awesome. She captures so much
emotions and details in her shots. Just look at her Fave Five.
If you don't know her work click on her link above
 to go see for yourself.
She has chosen her 5 fave images to share with us today. 
Here is what she had to say.

Every time I see this boy he is always in my face wanting me to take his picture. He is, however, super energetic and has difficulty standing still or even following directions. But this day, I caught him in a split second of calmness. I have no choice, every time I look at this image, but to wonder what he's thinking. 

One thing that frustrates me as a photographer is when people or objects get in the way when I'm working. My daughter ran in the frame as I was trying to capture the massiveness of the hay bales and for a moment I got angry until I saw the light on the waves of her hair. The small details always captivate me. 

What can I say except my boy is GOOORGEEOUS?!!! I am so obsessed with those luscious lashes and his deep dark eyes. Be still my heart. 

I think this will always be one of my all-time favorite images. My son is a rather rough, destructive boy. Always wrestling and tearing things up. But I know that deep in his heart he is super sensitive and romantically sweet. He's 9 years old and still hugs me and kisses me and tries to snuggle me. This image, I believe, shows that gentle side. And, of course, the light was just so perfect for it. I LOVE black and white imagery and the deeper the shadows, the more I like it. 

I am a sucker for details. I love curls. The smooth baby skin with the pop of pink against the green grass in the background...Ahhhhh!!

A big thank you to Debra of Pixelus Moments for guest judging this week.
                              Head on over to {CLICK}STYLE 
to share your {it's a Mom thing....} images.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

{what little girls are made of....}

Last week at {CLICK}STYLE we had the awesome, talented
Chrissy Ray Photography in to guest judge.
Her theme was {what little girls are made of...}
WOW!! You all answered back with some pretty off the wall, amazingly
gorgeous images. Not an easy job for poor Chrissy
to choose between all that talent.
Thanks to everyone who shared your images with us.
This is what Chrissy had to say,

Wow! I starred at the images for hours, changed my mind about a million times and finally choose my top five. That is testament to all of the fabulous submitted images. You all rocked this theme!

Here are my favs in not particular order.

Seriously this is the sweetest face ever. And a "heart that's bigger then her size"? Melts me. 

 Beautiful moment. Beautiful dress. Beautiful spirit.

 This image caught me and wouldn't let me go. I love the freedom and light. So beautiful.
Soul Threading

 Shut the front door. That's what I am talking about. That's what little girls are made of!

 Right up my alley. Dirt between the toes with caste away shoe. Brilliant.

Join us this week as Pixelus Moments guest judges the 
{It's a Mom thing....}

Friday, 23 January 2015

Chrissy Ray Photography: Fave Five.

Our guest judge this week at {CLICK}STYLE comes from,
Her work is stunning, full of so much colour and emotion.
She is smart, talented, and with that she is always  willing to help.
I am lucky to call her one of my friends.
Thank you again Chrissy for all you help this week while
guest judging. 

Here are Chrissy's top fave photos and why,

"I love this story, and the future of this story. I can see them growing so fast in front of my eyes. My hope is that they always get ready and share the bathroom so nicely."

"this shot screams summer and beach. My girl was so nervous about swim lessons and I think this captures that intensity."

                                                         " I love this baby. End of story. "

              "I love how real this is. How happy she is. And it was just because of a tiny purple flower."

  "This is a great memory and my son still talks about the fish head soup. I, on the other hand had never had to "remove the meat from the cheeks of the fish." I didn't know fish had cheeks! It is a memory and a moment that we will never forget."

See more of Chrissy's work HERE
Join us on FB this week  HERE
for our {what little girls are made of.....} theme

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

{caught in the act}

WOW. What a week!!
We had Jessica from Yeah, She Snaps! Photography,
with her theme {caught in the act }.
It was so much fun seeing all the trouble little monkeys can get into,
and made me feel like maybe I did not have the only kid
in the world who got into everything not nailed down.
Thank you to all who posted, 
Here is what Jessica had to say!

You guys really and truly blew my mind this week with your 'caught in the act' photos.  I'm so glad you liked this theme as much as I did.  It was SO hard to pick just five... but here are the ones that caught my eye the most, in no particular order:

This one made me giggle- what a fantastic "caught in the act" share!  I love the window light here, too.  

 Those eyes had me from hello... and little stinker!  This one I can definitely relate to.  Great "Caught in the act" share!

 I love this.  Such a sweet b/w edit and I love the perspective as we catch him right back by peeking in on the bathroom door.  Awesome 'caught in the act' capture!

This one made me laugh, too.  You can see the 'I'm stuck' written all over this wee one's face.  Definitely busted, and great b/w conversion!

 Last but not least, I chose this one because not only is it a beautiful b/w, but as a mama I absolutely know what it's like to catch my children being sweet to each other when no one is looking!    Absolutely darling share.

I'll say it again- I could have chosen them all!  There were so many fantastic takes on this week's theme- thank you again for having me!

Jessica <3

Join us this week on Facebook at {CLICK}STYLE
for our guest judge, Chirssy Ray Photography with the theme
{ that's what little girls are made of...}

Friday, 16 January 2015

Yeah, She Snaps! Photography: Fave Five

Our guest judge for this week is Jessica, from
Her works is stunning, so many beautiful moments captured, and her colours
and tones to match those moments. gorgeousness!!
I have been following Jessica since she started posting to our page, and
I always enjoy seeing what she is up to next.
If you have not seen her work make sure you click on her link
to her Facebook page. 
A big thank you again to Jessica for joining the {CLICK}STYLE team this week.

Here are her fave five photos, and why?

The first photo of my baby girl is precious to me because it just depicts her soul so full of wonder.  I get this look so often during the day and to be able to capture it meant the world to me.  This was her first birthday session.

The 2nd photo  is probably the most sentimental to me.  My son is 12 and doesn't always like to be photographed.  In fact, sometimes he sort of refuses.  This was such a sweet moment between him and I and I will cherish it forever.  It has been my desktop screensaver for a while.  We were on Folly Beach, SC which is also my favorite place to vacation.

The 3rd photo is special to me because I literally woke in the middle of the night with a vision of a little girl on the beach wearing a black dress.  Thankfully, a good friend of mine lent me her daughter to be my muse and she did amazing.  The deep, dark matte was also nothing like I've ever done before.  One of my favorite photo shoots to date.

The 4th photo is just so bright and full of life, just like the girl in it, who happens to be my first born.  The light was so gorgeous that day.  I am a huge fan of shooting during the golden hour and when I found this field of yellow flowers, the combo was fantastic.  This was also the last time I got hang out with a friend and fellow photographer who moved away.  She wanted to come watch me shoot that day totally spur of the moment, and it's a memory I treasure!

The 5th photo is a favorite because I am a sucker for detail shots...and the dress...ohhhh the dress!  Another one of my favorite shoots to date.  I just love the detail in this photograph.

Stop on over this week at {CLICK}STYLE
to take part in Jessica's theme
{caught in the act}

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

{look again}

Last week at {CLICK}STYLE,  we had guest judge
The theme she picked was {look again}, and what amazing
images come pouring into the page. It was not an easy task to choose only 5.
Thank you Meagan for all your help this week.

Here are her top 5, in no particular order.

Join us this week at {CLICK}STYLE for guest judge
Yeah, She Snaps! Photography, with the {caught in the act theme}

Friday, 9 January 2015

Meagan Dwyer Photography: Fav Five.

Our Guest Judge for this week over at {CLICK}STYLE is Meagan, from
This photographer does incredible work, I am always looking forward to seeing
her latest capture, and she is one of the most supportive photographers around. If you don't 
know Meagan's work, click on her page link and see for yourself.
Today, Meagan has picked 5 of her favourite images, and let us
know what it is she loves about them.
She has picked some gorgeous shots to share with us.
Take a look

Some of my favorite images and why they are special to me:

I love when you can hear an image.  I can hear his laughter...I have had people who don't know him say that very thing to me.

This is a recent favorite.  I was really trying to capture that sun!  It had been dark and rainy for days.  It looks like she is sitting their enjoying its' rays as well.

The big window in my sister's house.  I.LOVE.THIS.WINDOW!  He was watching the rain fall in the Spring and then the Snow in the Winter. 

I don't know why I love this...LOL...I just do!  

Stop on over this week at {CLICK}STYLE
to take part in Meagan's theme
{look again}

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

{Weekly Favouites}

We always enjoy a {weekly favourites} theme over at {CLICK}STYLE.
We love it so much, we would like to start running a weekly favourites top 5.
Post your 2 weekly fav images to our wall from Saturday to Saturday,
blog post will be on Sundays.
Good luck, and Congrats to the top 5,

Here are the top 5, in no particular order.

Join us on Facebook at
 for this weeks theme of {look again}

Sunday, 4 January 2015


Before Christmas break we ran a {lights} theme.
WOW, what amazing, beautiful shares that come in that week.
Sorry for the late blog post, better late then never!
Congrats to the top 5.

Join us on Facebook at