This week over at {CLICK}STYLE we have the awesome
as our guest judge. Her works is awesome. She captures so much
emotions and details in her shots. Just look at her Fave Five.
If you don't know her work click on her link above
to go see for yourself.
She has chosen her 5 fave images to share with us today.
Here is what she had to say.
Every time I see this boy he is always in my face wanting me to take his picture. He is, however, super energetic and has difficulty standing still or even following directions. But this day, I caught him in a split second of calmness. I have no choice, every time I look at this image, but to wonder what he's thinking. 

One thing that frustrates me as a photographer is when people or objects get in the way when I'm working. My daughter ran in the frame as I was trying to capture the massiveness of the hay bales and for a moment I got angry until I saw the light on the waves of her hair. The small details always captivate me.
What can I say except my boy is GOOORGEEOUS?!!! I am so obsessed with those luscious lashes and his deep dark eyes. Be still my heart.
I think this will always be one of my all-time favorite images. My son is a rather rough, destructive boy. Always wrestling and tearing things up. But I know that deep in his heart he is super sensitive and romantically sweet. He's 9 years old and still hugs me and kisses me and tries to snuggle me. This image, I believe, shows that gentle side. And, of course, the light was just so perfect for it. I LOVE black and white imagery and the deeper the shadows, the more I like it.
I am a sucker for details. I love curls. The smooth baby skin with the pop of pink against the green grass in the background...Ahhhhh!!
A big thank you to Debra of Pixelus Moments for guest judging this week.
Head on over to {CLICK}STYLE
to share your {it's a Mom thing....} images.