{CLICK}STYLE Guest Judge: Pixelus Moments
Theme for December 1 week: {one shot like it on not}
I have to say this theme was interesting, I like how we were challenged this week to focus on making that shot the first time around and to be more pleased with what we are shooting. Thank you to Debra of Pixelus Moments for hosting a great week.
Top 5 winners for {one shot like it or not}
Fave Five with Debra of Pixelus Photography
I would have to say the first thing that comes to my mind about Debra's work, is how it speaks to the soul. Her images have mood, they have feeling. My fave would have to be her black n white work. Those images are always full of feeling of character. This week with Debra's theme she really challenged us to do the same, put the feeling back into our images and what better way to do that then just take one shot in the moment. Not an endless amount of images that the more you click the button the more technically perfect your shot might get, but also the more the emotion of the moment gets lost. And I keep saying over and over again! Feelings trump everything technical. Thank you Debra for the great challenge this week. If you don't know her work, jump over to her link and check it out for yourself, or take a look at her stunning fave five below.
Here is what she has to say,
I've recently come to find myself in a photographic slump. I thought I would just work through it as I always have in the past. Unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet. I have little desire even to pick up my camera. When asked to do a job, I find reasons to get out of it. I've gone through my arsenal of unedited images but nothing speaks to me. I know you're thinking, "How sad! Don't be so hard on yourself." Those words have been sounding in my mind for months now. Anyway, I was dreading putting this feature together. No matter how much of a privilege it is, my heart was breaking at the thought of it. Nevertheless, I picked out some of my favorite images from the past year. Looking back at them I noticed something. My images seem to convey a sense of solemnness. Is that really so wrong? It's possible that my attempts to produce images with a different feel just don't speak to me and like any artist, if I can't create, then I feel hopeless...worthless. It's possible, that an image can be meek and humble. An image can be lowly or depressing. An image can express despair and loneliness. Those things are real. Those things are true. And truth is beautiful too.