It is Wednesday, and that means it is time for
a Wednesday Feature.
This week we are happy to feature
She is amazing at capturing light and airy photos,
and you are sure to be inspired by
her work
1. Tell us about yourself
Hi! My name is Libby Gutierrez. I currently live in the Panama City, FL area ( not by choice, we go where the U.S. Air Force sends us) with my amazing husband of almost 7 yrs and our 4 wonderful boys 6 yr old triplets Ethan, Austin, & Robert and our littlest Luke is almost 2. When I'm not busy cleaning, cooking, bathing kids, changing diapers, helping littles with homework, play dates, ect.. I am probably somewhere with my camera trying to make the best lighting so I can sneak up on my kids and capture their childhood. Oh and because of all of the above, I am now a coffee addict.
2. How did you get started in photography? Whats in your bag?
After having kids I just wanted to document their life the way I wish mine had been. I wanted family pictures, photos for every holiday. We just couldn't afford it, and I wasn't satisfied with the mediocre unedited images we were getting at the mall anyways. They couldn't capture our story, our life. The only person that could capture what I wanted was me. So before the boys 3rd birthday my husband bought me my first dslr. My Canon Rebel T2i. Oh I was obsessed! I really had the (ah ha) moment when I shot this amazing picture with my 18-55 kit lens of my boys watching fireworks on 4th of July. After that I needed to find out what my camera could really do, with me behind it of course. I watched hundreds of Youtube videos, read all the forums I could find, I only shot manual, I bought a 50 mm 1.8 lens. Now here I am three years later I have a Canon 5d mark II, an 85mm 1.8 lens, Gorillapod for my own family pictures when we're out and about, an ND HD fader filter, Canon 580 Speed lite that I rarely ever use, and that's it for now. Hopefully soon I will add another lens to my little collection.

3. What is your favorite style to photograph?
Lifestyle and children's photography is my passion. Capturing those moments that others don't even notice can be magical sometimes. That is what I love about photography is everyone sees the world differently.
4. Is there any photographer you look up to?
There are so many amazing photographers out there. If I didn't have 4 kids to take care of I could look at the art of photography all day. There is no way I can pick a favorite from that.